Actor doesn’t let chronic knee injury sideline her
Aid recipient: Longtime local actor Mary McGroary, who recently played Fraulein Kost in “Cabaret” and Mona Kent in “Dames at Sea” for the Town Hall Arts Center, is currently appearing in “Holiday Inn” through January 19 at the Candlelight Dinner Playhouse in Johnstown. Mary also has recently performed with Vintage Theatre and The Edge Theater.
Her medical story: Mary recently has been dealing with a chronic, cumulative knee issue likely brought on by a lifetime of Irish step dancing and tap dancing. While training for the recent Philadelphia Marathon, doctors discovered a cyst behind her right knee, causing sharp pain. Not good news for an actor who executes “jump-rope tap dancing” in “Holiday Inn.” Doctors recommended an injection that combats inflammation. With a support brace and lots of ice, she has been able to continue to perform. But even though she has health insurance, her doctor’s appointments, ultrasound, X-Rays and treatment left her with $824 in out-of pocket expenses.
How we helped: While Mary only specifically requested compensation for $420, The Denver Actors Fund has reimbursed her for the entire $824 obligation.
A message from Mary: “Even though I have health insurance, I can only afford a plan with a high deductible and high co-pays. I went to the Denver Actors Fund, and they quickly covered all of my out-of-pocket expenses for treatment of this injury. Thank you to The Denver Actors Fund for this incredible gift. A huge worry has been lifted, and I will be forever grateful!”
The Denver Actors Fund has now made more than $415,000 available to Colorado artists in medical need.
How you can help us help us help Colorado theatre artists: If you would like to make a donation to The Denver Actors Fund, simply mail checks in any amount made out to Denver Actors Fund to P.O. Box 11182, Denver, CO 80212. Or use this donation link, with our humble thanks.
Read testimonials from other Denver Actors Fund beneficiaries here
Note: At The Denver Actors Fund, anonymity of aid recipients is presumed and fully protected, unless and until the recipient chooses to have their story told.
The Denver Actors Fund is a modest source of immediate, situational relief when members of the local theater community find themselves in medical need. In addition to $415,000 in financial relief, a team of more than 60 Denver Actors Fund volunteers have offered good neighborly assistance to more than 100 beneficiaries including meal prep and delivery, child care, transportation, errands, construction, pet-sitting and more. For more information, visit our web site at DenverActorsFund.Org.
To apply for Denver Actors Fund aid: Fill out this brief online form here
GET FREE, INSTANT MEDICAL ADVICE: The Denver Actors Fund has launch of a major new FREE medical service for qualified Colorado theatre artists: We are partnering with Hippo Health to provide access to emergency medical evaluations via video conferencing with a Board-certified physician. Click to read more about this wonderful, innovative new partnership that will further improve the lives of artists!
Go to our online giving site at: ColoradoGives.Org
Send checks made out to The Denver Actors Fund to:
P.O. Box 11182
Denver, CO 80211
Ever thought about taking a more active role in The Denver Actors Fund? Click here for more information
Sign up for King Soopers’ Community Rewards Program and raise money for The DAF just by shopping for your groceries – and it doesn’t cost you an extra penny. It’s like the Amazon Smile Program. To sign up, simply go here and designate The DAF as your preferred non-profit. Each quarter, King Soopers sends us a donation based on how much our supporters have spent. Thanks to all of you who are shopping for The DAF!
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17: Our friends at Miners Alley Playhouse are donating ALL PROCEEDS from that evening’s performance of Josh Hartwell’s adaptation of A Christmas Carol to The Denver Actors Fund. This fast-paced comic adaptation uses only six actors to bring Dickens’ most beloved characters to life using nothing more than simple props, fun physicality, and the power of imagination. The cast includes Jim Hunt (Scrooge), Lisa DeCaro (Christmas Present and more), Meredith Young (Christmas Past and more), Jason Maxwell (Fred and more), Josh Hartwell (Marley and more) and Ella Matheo as Tiny Tim and Ignorance. The play begins at 7:30 p.m. Miners Alley Playhouse is located at 1224 Washington Avenue. Golden. Call 303-935-3044 or buy online at minersalley.com. Thank you to Len Matheo, Elizabeth Scott-Mckean, Jonathan Scott-Mckean, Lisa DeCaro, Bryanna Scott, the cast, crew and whoever kindly works the bar. It’s nights like these that make what we do possible.
THROUGH DECEMBER 22: Our friends at Colorado Springs TheatreWorks are taking collections for The Denver Actors Fund after every performance of Around the World in 80 Days. One of the greatest adventures ever told follows fearless adventurer Phileas Fogg, who bets he can circumnavigate the world in only 80 days, only to find the task to be far more challenging than he ever imagined. Danger, romance and comic surprises abound in this adaptation of the Jules Verne novel by Cherry Creek High School graduate Laura Eason. Starring Tyler Esselman as Phileas Fogg and Regina Fernandez as Von Darius. At the Ent Center, 5225 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, 719-255-3232 or theatreworkscs.org. Thank you to Artistic Director Caitlin Lowans, Director by Lavina Jadhwani. cast member and former Denver Actors Fund recipient Regina Fernandez for facilitating, all other cast, crew and audience members!
Click here to see how you can buy DAF products such as T-shirts, key chains, puzzles and much more.