Photos: My night at Germinal’s ‘Spoon River Anthology’

Not even “The Unvarnished Truth” playwright Royce Ryton’s well-placed words above the entrance to the men’s dressing room have a chance of keeping the women of “Spoon River Anthology” out.


Actors Michael Gunst and Leroy Leonard.



Opening-night flowers for a cast member.


 The curtain call.


The cast returns to the stage after the performance so that director Ed Baierlein can take some publicity photos.


Lisa Mumpton strikes a pose for director Ed Baierlein’s camera – and for mine.

To see the our full photo series, “It’s Opening Night in Colorado Theatre,” featuring one intimate, iconic snapshot from 27 Colorado opening nights (and counting), click here.

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By John Moore

Award-winning arts journalist John Moore was named one of the 12 most influential theater critics in the United States by American Theatre Magazine during has 12 years at The Denver Post. Hen then created a groundbreaking new media outlet covering Colorado arts an culture as an in-house, multimedia journalist for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. He also founded The Denver Actors Fund, a nonprofit that has raised more than $600,000 for theatre artists in medical need. He is now a journalist for hire as the founder of Moore Media Colorado. You can find samples of his work at MooreJohn.Com. Contact him at