Photos: My night at Town Hall Arts Center’s ‘Hair’


 The cast circles up for encouragement and to build energy.


Nick Sugar and Ashlie-Amber Harris (Dionne) are seen opposite music director Donna Debreceni and bass player Scott Alan Smith.


Musical director Donna Debreceni with her live band, Scott Alan Smith, Mitch Jervis and Larry Ziehl.


With the cast buzzing around him just before the audience is allowed in, Casey Andree takes a quiet moment amid the madness to become Claude.


Executive director Cheryl McNab introduces director (and Town Hall board member) Nick Sugar to the opening-night audience.


At the end of the show, the audience is not only on their feet … they are joining the cast for some onstage dancing.


When it’s all over, Nick Sugar collapses with relief: Another show in the books!


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By John Moore

Award-winning arts journalist John Moore was named one of the 12 most influential theater critics in the United States by American Theatre Magazine during has 12 years at The Denver Post. Hen then created a groundbreaking new media outlet covering Colorado arts an culture as an in-house, multimedia journalist for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. He also founded The Denver Actors Fund, a nonprofit that has raised more than $600,000 for theatre artists in medical need. He is now a journalist for hire as the founder of Moore Media Colorado. You can find samples of his work at MooreJohn.Com. Contact him at